The Fine Art Trade Guild
How do you know which framers are professionally qualified? Look for the Guild Commended Framer (GCF) logo! The Fine Art Trade Guild offers this vocational qualification to framers, more and more of whom are now taking the specialist qualifications available in Advanced Textile Framing, Conservation and Mount Design and Function.
Guild members agree to abide by the Code of Ethics and keep up to date with the latest standards, trends and materials through their regular reading of Art Business Today, which the Guild publishes for the trade. Standards and qualifications development, dispute mediation, merchant services cost savings and specialist information are just a fraction of what the Guild provides. Their pages cover many aspects of the art and framing industry but only Guild Members get privileged access to all the information, advice and services; after all, they are the Fine Art Trade Guild.
Click here to read the Press Release confirming Philip Stephenson GCF as a Guild Commended Framer
Fine Art Trade Guild standards of framing.
At Framin’ ‘Ell, we fully support and work to the high standards set by the Fine Art Trade Guild.
The Guild has identified five levels of framing to provide:
- A consistent bench – mark of standards.
- An informed choice of different levels of framing to suit customers’ individual needs.
- To enable customers to compare quotations on a ‘like for like’ basis. It is essential to demonstrate why a job may be priced above of that which may be given by a competitor or is recommending a particular level of framing.
- As a marketing tool to inform the customers that there is more to framing than meets the eye.
- To educate framers
- To assist the Guild when arbitrating in disputes revolving around whether a given specification has been met.
Ready to discuss your framing project? call us 01636 921461
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